(09) 832 4198
0800 424 600


When you are ready to make a booking, 
please feel free to contact us in any of the following ways.



Our Auckland land line - (09) 832 4198  


For those outside of Auckland - 0800 424 600


Feel free to send us a message - 021 323 853


Those using a browser based email program will need to manually copy & paste our email into your message.


★ When emailing for an appointment, or regarding a wedding, please include as much information as possible.
(booking l
ocation, styling needs, time required, etc.)


Postal Address

PO Box 84269
Auckland  0657


Business Hours

Monday   Closed  
Tuesday 9.00am   5.00pm
Wednesday 9.00am   5.00pm
Thursday 9.00am   8.00pm
Friday 9.00am   8.00pm
Saturday 9.00am   4.00pm
Sunday   Closed  

If you are planning a wedding or special event that falls outside our standard hours, why not give us a call to discuss your requirements.

We try to be flexible whenever possible.

Contact Us

(09) 832 4198 or 0800 424 600